Darwin Port https://darwinport.com.au/ en Induction system outage https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/induction-system-outage <span>Induction system outage</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h2><b>ATTENTION USERS!!</b></h2> <h2><b>Tomorrow morning 19/06/2024 between 11.30am and 12.30pm, the server that hosts MobiliseMe platform will be offline. This will interrupt our induction system for approximately 1 hour. We apologise for any inconvenience.</b></h2> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>18 Jun 2024</span> Tue, 18 Jun 2024 06:13:28 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1075 at https://darwinport.com.au S40.A Vessel Zaandam Notice https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/s40a-vessel-zaandam-notice <span>S40.A Vessel Zaandam Notice</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>4 June 2024</p> <p>The Owner, Master or Occupier<br /> FV Zaandam<br />  </p> <p align="center"><b>“FV ZAANDAM” – S.40A DIRECTION</b></p> <p>We refer to the vessel the FV Zaandam (<b>Vessel</b>) that is currently located in the small boat anchorage in position Latitude 12<sup>o</sup>, 28.425”S, Long 130<sup>o</sup>51.380”E.</p> <p>For Further information, please click <a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/News%20uploads/Section%2040A%20Direction%20-%20Zaandam.pdf">here</a></p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>04 Jun 2024</span> Tue, 04 Jun 2024 02:57:46 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1074 at https://darwinport.com.au Shipping Schedule Site Back Online https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/shipping-schedule-site-back-online <span>Shipping Schedule Site Back Online</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>We have completed our system upgrade and the Shipping Schedule portal <a href="https://portinfo.darwinport.com.au/webx/" title="https://portinfo.darwinport.com.au/webx/">https://portinfo.darwinport.com.au/Webx</a> is back online.</p> </div> <span><span>jeremy.wu</span></span> <span>04 Apr 2024</span> Wed, 03 Apr 2024 23:12:44 +0000 jeremy.wu 1072 at https://darwinport.com.au Shipping Schedule Site Outage 3rd April 2024 https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/shipping-schedule-site-outage-3rd-april-2024 <span>Shipping Schedule Site Outage 3rd April 2024</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>The Shipping Schedule website <a href="https://portinfo.darwinport.com.au/webx/ is">https://portinfo.darwinport.com.au/webx/ is</a> currently down for a software upgrade till 8am on 4th April 2024.</p> <p>Please contact Harbour Control or the Shipping Scheduler for any enquiries.</p> <p> </p> </div> <span><span>jeremy.wu</span></span> <span>03 Apr 2024</span> Tue, 02 Apr 2024 23:31:47 +0000 jeremy.wu 1071 at https://darwinport.com.au TUG "DENISON" - S.40 C DIRECTION https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/tug-denison-s40-c-direction <span>TUG &quot;DENISON&quot; - S.40 C DIRECTION</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Dear Kim, <br /> We refer to the tug Denison (Vessel) that is currently moored on a barge mooring in Blessers Creek within the Port of Darwin after it was relocated by Darwin Port in accordance with a section 40 A direction issued by a Port Management Officer in accordance with the Ports Management Act 2015 (NT) (PMA).  For further details and a copy of the letter please click <a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/Legal/TUG%20DENISON%20-%20S.40%20C%20DIRECTION.pdf">here</a>.</p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>08 Feb 2024</span> Thu, 08 Feb 2024 02:43:23 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1069 at https://darwinport.com.au “KA-MAR-ON” – S.40A DIRECTION https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/ka-mar-s40a-direction <span>“KA-MAR-ON” – S.40A DIRECTION</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>29 January 2024</p> <p>The Owner, Master or Occupier<br /> MV KA-MAR-ON<br />  </p> <p align="center"><b>“KA-MAR-ON” – S.40A DIRECTION</b></p> <p>We refer to the Motor Vessel KA-MAR-ON (<b>Vessel</b>) that is currently located on its side and aground in Middle Arm in position Latitude 12° 37.684’ S Longitude. 130° 56.729’ E.</p> <p>On 24 January 2024 at approximately 16:30 Darwin Port became aware that the Vessel was unoccupied and aground on its side. Please click <a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/Legal/KA-MAR-ON%20%E2%80%93%20S.40A%20DIRECTION.pdf">here</a> to see full details.</p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>29 Jan 2024</span> Mon, 29 Jan 2024 03:32:09 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1068 at https://darwinport.com.au Section 40 A Notice tug Denison https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2024/section-40-notice-tug-denison <span>Section 40 A Notice tug Denison</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>3 January 2024</p> <p>The Owner, Master or Occupier<br /> Tug Denison<br />  </p> <p align="center"><b>“Tug Denison” – S.40A DIRECTION</b></p> <p>We refer to the vessel the tug Denison (<b>Vessel</b>) that is currently located aground in Blessers Creek.</p> <p>On 2 January 2024 at approximately 14:30 Darwin Port became aware that the Vessel was unoccupied and aground situated at the above location.  There is a hire container and other miscellaneous materials on the upper deck. </p> <p>The current condition of the Vessel, its location, and its cargo presents an immediate threat and danger to the Vessel itself, persons and the environment.</p> <p>As there is currently no person on board or in control of the vessel, in accordance with subsection 40A(8) of the <i>Ports Management Act2015 (NT) </i>(<b>Act</b>), Darwin Port is providing the Master, owner or occupier twenty (24) hours’ notice to move the vessel otherwise Darwin Port will commence taking steps to remove the Vessel from it’s current location to a mooring located in the small boat anchorage. </p> <p>Darwin Port will seek to recover all costs incurred in removing the Vessel from its current location and from arranging for temporary safe mooring as a debt due and payable in accordance with subsection 40A(8)(b) and 40A(10) of the Act.</p> <p>Please contact Darwin Port on 0417867886 to arrange collection of the Vessel.</p> <p>Sincerely</p> <p>DAVID POWER</p> <p>Senior Manager &amp; Port Management Officer – Marine Operations<br />  </p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>03 Jan 2024</span> Tue, 02 Jan 2024 22:44:20 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1066 at https://darwinport.com.au 20231011 - MOB Emergency Exercise Dunkin 23 - Final Report https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2023/20231011-mob-emergency-exercise-dunkin-23-final-report <span>20231011 - MOB Emergency Exercise Dunkin 23 - Final Report</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>This was an announced Man Overboard Exercise (MOB) involving primary EAW tenants at risk of a MOB incident involving a member of their respective employees. The following EAW tenants participated either as active responders or observers:<br /> Darwin Port<br /> Qube Ports<br /> Vopak Darwin<br /> ASCO Darwin<br /> Swire Shipping<br /> The Swire Shipping vessel M.V. Kokopo Chief was the subject vessel for the exercise and was berthed port side to at EAW berth 3. The exercise commenced shortly after the vessel had completed mooring after arrival alongside and the shore gangway had been placed on board.</p> <p>Please find the attached detailed report <a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/20231011%20-%20MOB%20Emergency%20Exercise%20Dunkin%2023%20-%20Final%20Report.pdf">here</a>.</p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>06 Nov 2023</span> Sun, 05 Nov 2023 22:33:42 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1065 at https://darwinport.com.au Review of Darwin Port Lease https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2023/review-darwin-port-lease <span>Review of Darwin Port Lease</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Following the Federal Government release of a statement today announcing the findings into the review of the lease of Darwin Port by Landbridge, the company have issued the following statement:</p> <p>Landbridge is pleased that the Federal Government’s review has now been completed. The outcomes reaffirm our position that there is no basis for security concerns given the Port is operated as a commercial enterprise in accordance with Australian Law and the Port transaction documents.  </p> <p>Landbridge is hopeful that the outcome of this review, which is consistent with the findings of the reviews conducted in both 2015 and 2021, will now bring this matter to a close.  Landbridge is focused on operating the Port to grow business and trade for the Territory. </p> <p>Landbridge and Darwin Port look forward to working with the Northern Territory Government and Federal Government in developing the Port to meet the demands of a growing economy.</p> <p> </p> </div> <span><span>jeremy.wu</span></span> <span>20 Oct 2023</span> Fri, 20 Oct 2023 05:29:37 +0000 jeremy.wu 1064 at https://darwinport.com.au Access Policy Update and Consultation https://darwinport.com.au/about/news/2023/access-policy-update-and-consultation <span>Access Policy Update and Consultation</span> <div class="field field--node field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p> </p> <p>Darwin Port has recently undertaken a review of its Standard Terms and Payment Terms (part of the Access Policy) to accommodate some upcoming changes in legislation. These changes are all in favour of Port Users.  Darwin Port welcomes feedback from all Port Users on the changes, these have been tracked for ease in the draft documents and can be accessed by Port Users using the links below.  Feedback is sought by 5pm on <b>26 October 2023</b> and should be sent to <a href="mailto:access@darwinport.com.au">access@darwinport.com.au</a> .</p> <p><a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/Legal/Access%20Policy%202023%20-%20DRAFT%20Payment%20Terms%20-%20121023.pdf">Access Policy 2023 - DRAFT Payment Terms</a></p> <p><a href="https://darwinport.com.au/sites/default/files/editors/Legal/Access%20Policy%202023%20-%20DRAFT%20Standard%20Services%20Terms%20and%20Conditions%20-%20121023.pdf">Access Policy 2023 - DRAFT Standard Services Terms and Conditions</a></p> </div> <span><span>carleen.mitche…</span></span> <span>12 Oct 2023</span> Thu, 12 Oct 2023 02:05:28 +0000 carleen.mitchell@darwinport.com.au 1063 at https://darwinport.com.au