Attention Owners, Operators, Occupiers and Masters,
Pursuant to subsection 50(1) of the Ports Management Act 2015 (NT), the waters surrounding the Darwin Ship Lift Infrastructure Development Project will be closed for backhoe dredging and barging operations from 0000 hours on 10 January 2025 to 0000 hours on 30 September 2025.
The boundary of the closed area will be delineated by four yellow marker buoys placed in the following positions and depicted on the map attached:
• 12° 29.5008 S. 130° 53.7493 E
• 12° 29.6701 S. 130° 53.8045 E
• 12° 29.6705 S. 130° 54.1471 E
• 12° 29.4171 S. 130° 54.1440E
Access to the shipping channels in pilotage zones C (East Arm Wharf), F (Hudson Creek, Bladin Channel and Elizabeth River) and G (Darwin Marine Supply Base) will not be impeded.
All persons and vessels not directly involved in the project are required to keep clear of the closed waters for safety reasons. Further information on the Port notice can be found here.